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Signal and System Analysis

Electronics Departament - Facultad Regional Mendoza - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional


Welcome to the website of the course Signal and System Analysis (ASyS), lectured in the second year of the Electronics Engineering diploma at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Mendoza (UTN-FRM).

The ASyS website is meant to provide basic information about the course including structure, location of class material, schedules and more.

Download the table of contents of  ASyS

Last website update: 07-06-2018

ASyS  professors
Prof. Adjunto: 
IBAÑEZ, Liliana
JTP:     IGLESIAS, Francisco
JTP:           VELEZ, Javier
Prof. Colaborador: SERDOCH, Eduardo
Ayudante de Primera: DEMATTIES, Dario
Tutor:   MACÍA, Adrián


The communication between professors and students outside the class is done via the Virtual Campus and the Virtual Classroom of the UTN-FRM. In these platforms you can obtain up-to-date class material and information including:

-Classes and QA sessions schedule
-Exercises list
-Yearly activity schedule
-News and professors' communications
-Test results
-Bibliography to download
-And more

Virtual Campus

To access you first need to sing up in the Virtual Campus website, then enroll in the ASyS course using the code provided by the professor.


Virtual Classroom

It can be accessed via the UTN-FRM Autogestión platform using you student credentials.


The ASyS tutoring offers a great opportunity to review and strengthen the topics learned during class, in a more personalized environment. The assigned tutor helps the student to solve exercises and explains them theory topics, out of the class or QA times giving extra support.

Tutor:  Adrián Macía (

Tutoring schedule 

To get an up-to-date schedule please visit the  UTN-FRM Tutoring website.


WhatsApp Group

You can also chat with the tutor using the dedicated WhatsApp group. Scan the QR code click here from your smartphone.


To download class material please visit the Students section. Here we only provide a list of the recommended bibliography and extra material, for those who want to dig deeper in some of the lectured topics.

Some of these texts can be found at the UTN-FRM copying center:

Recommended Bibliography:

TitleAuthor Editorial Location
Variables complejas y sus aplicaciones
Churchil,Brown Mac Graw Hill Biblioteca UTN
Calculo vectorial
Marsden y Tromba A.Weasley Biblioteca UTN
Matemáticas Avanzadas Para IngenierosPeter O'NeilThompson-
Bases Matemàticas Para el procesamiento de señales digitales
Eduardo S Serdoch -Biblioteca UTN - Fotocopiadora
Matemáticas Avanzadas Para Ingeniería E.Kreyszig Limusa - Vol. 1 y 2 Biblioteca UTN
Señales y Sistemas
Señales y SistemasOppenheim,Willsky y Nawab
Ed Prentice Hall-
Procesamiento de Señales Digitales
Ashok Ambardar Thompson-
Señales y Sistemas de Tiempo Continuo y Tiempo Discreto
Soliman y Srinath Prentice Hall-
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Steven W. Smith
Tratamiento digital de señales
Proakis, John G. & Manolakis, Dimitris G Prentice Hall  

Extra material:

Name Description Link
Resumen de ASySNotas personales del ex-alumno Juan Pablo Martí


Tabla de DerivadasDescargar
Tabla de transformadas de Fourier y LapalaceIncluye ademas las propiedades de la transformada de Fourier en tiempo discreto y continuioDescargar
Tabla de IntegralesDescargar
Desarrollos OrtogonalesIntroduccion a la Función Generalizada de Fourier incluyendo  series de Legendre and TchebishevDescargar
More coming soon ...